Our Story & Team

We believe seeing the mini miracles in everyday life brings happiness and fulfillment. We know it’s easy to lose perspective and forget to pause for the simple moments when life is so busy. That’s why our doors are open to you and yours. Bed & Barrel is a home that resets your compass to true North and recharges your batteries with perspective for what’s most important. Our home is a haven where roots and breaths become deeper. Here people are free of expectations, most comfortable in their own skin, and remember their true selves. 

We believe in doors left unlocked, the fireplace lit, the stew on low, and beds that embrace. We believe rest can be play and vice versa. We believe in getting your hands dirty and in work that doesn’t need a to-do list. We believe we are all imperfect and in-progress. We believe mini miracles are right in front of us if we can see them. Come as you are, stay as you like, and let our home refocus your sight on your simple pleasures and mini miracles. 

  • Greg Stratmann

    Greg gave up his family and friends for something he had only experienced in the US, a feeling of inclusivity, of being welcomed as you are with all of your quirks and imperfections.
    ”When we came up to Lake County to grow grapes and make wine with friends we had amazing weekends, some of which turned into annual themed events, like Camp Stonehouse. We worked together, broke bread and spilled wine. Whether we worked or chilled, the place became a sleep away haven where we recharged our batteries. As roots and breaths became deeper we wanted to share this mini miracle with the world and open our home, the Bed and Barrel, to you and yours. Come as you are and stay as you like”

  • Brittany Romanchik

    Originally east coast born, Brittany came to Lake County to find a home where she could pause for the simple moments in life and watch her family grow. What she found was a home at Bed and Barrel where people slow down, sit back and enjoy the comfort of their surroundings.
    She believes that small things make up big things, and perfect practice makes perfect. Adamant gardener and full time mother, she engages plants and children alike with the same amount of thoughtful care and attention to details. With a background in fine dining her ultimate goal is to offer a truly unique experience through good times, excellent food and plentiful wine.